Monday, December 21, 2009


Had a super LONG convo with michelle chin .. We shared our secrets and i took my personality test .. ( through michellechin) she type and i answered .. haha.. these are my results.. PLEASE READ if u wanna know more about me .. if u DUN .. then just click on the link by the end of the post..


( the **YOU** refers to me !! )
You are 0wn t0 earth an ppl like U becuz U are S0 straightf0rwAr . You r an efficiuent pers0n pr0blem solver bcuz u wiLl listen t0 both sides 0f an argument b4 making a decision that usually appeals t0 both parties
the type 0f guy ur l00king f0r is u like serious smart and determine ppl. You dun judge a b00k by its cover
s0 good l00king ppl arent necessary your style. This makes u an attractive person in many ppl's eyes
You readiNeSS t0 c0mmit a reLati0nship is You preFer t0 get t0 kn0w a pers0n weLl b4 deciding whether U will commit t0 the reALti0nship

Yoiu seriousneSs 0f l0ve is You have very sensible tactics whEn Appr0aching the 0pp0site sex. In many ways ppl find ur straightf0rwAr nEss attractive S0 u WILL FIND PLENTY 0F DATES

Your views on education is
You Are a pracrical pers0n and will ch00se a secure j0b with steady inc0me. Kn0wing wHAt you Like t0 d0 is imporTAnt. Fin a regular j0b d0ing just tHat and you LL be set f0r life

Educati0n f0r u is lEss imp0rtant tHan the reAL w0rld 0ut there. DeEp inside You Wan t0 start w0rking and live

You are afraid 0f failure and scared t0 have a g0 at the careEr you would like t0 have in Case you un suCeEd . Dun gif up When you haven yET EVEN STARTED. bE COURAGEOUS!
You are m0st afraid 0f
your image and the Way others sEe You. This means you try hard t0 be acCepted by other ppl. Its Time f0r U t0 believe in wh0 you ARE
you like privacy very much bcuz u enj0y spending timE wit ur own thoughts. You Like t0 diSSapear When u Cann0t find s0lutionS t0 ur Pr0blemS but YOU would FeEl BeTter if u Learned t0 Share ur thoughts Wit a pers0n U trust!



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no one can drive me crazy unless i give them the keys ! XD

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